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Guided tour "In the footsteps of the iron miners"

Guided tours


The industrial development of Delémont is due to the exploitation of iron ore, which is found in large quantities in the region's subsoil. Until the 1920s, miners operated these mines to extract the raw material that was worked in blast furnaces and foundries.

The century-old building at the head of the Rondez mine shaft is one of the last remnants of iron ore mining. During this original visit, you will discover unusual buildings and locations bearing witness to the urban, industrial and demographic development of the city between the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A Delémont guide will share various anecdotes and historical aspects of these constructions testifying to the story of iron exploitation.

Extra information

If you want to book a guided tour for a date prior to the next 3 days, please contact us by e-mail at info@juratourisme.ch or by telephone at +41 (0)32 432 41 70.